Booking Rules, Rates and Procedure for 2024
Booking Rules
- All Bookings and changes must be made before visiting the Lodge.
- Bookings will only be made for financial members.
- Booking should be made Online. For changes contact Margaret Clarke (0414 890 383) if for some reason you cannot make contact, notify a director.
- Members must provide DOB for Associates and Guests under 25, otherwise full rates will apply.
- A booking fee ($17.00 winter/$17 summer) per person/night for Members and Life Members and 50% deposit for Associates, Veteran Members and Non-Member must be paid to confirm each booking.
- Bookings will be treated only as requests up to the AGM and shown in 'lower case' on the booking schedule and on your accounts.
- Some rescheduling may take place, unless specific reasons given for a date, up to the AGM to fulfil all requests.
- Consideration will be given to special requests and booking times from previous years to share accommodation times.
- Bookings can only be confirmed by financial members with the payment of the required booking fee after the AGM.
- Confirmed bookings will be shown in 'UPPER CASE' on the booking schedule, and on your accounts.
- The balance due for Associates, Veteran and Non-members should be paid, two weeks prior to occupation.
- Members are responsible for their guest's account.
- A Member should be present when non-members are booked.
- The current booking schedule can be seen on the Redwood web;
- Incoming guests must not take occupied rooms until after 10am.
- Payment by bank transfer to Westpac Account BSB-032 151 Account-364078. Reference your transfer with your name and start date.
Booking Preferences
Members have first preference up to the AGM for 7 days (anywhere) booking. Each Share has two allocated members.
Members who have not paid their accounts by the due date have no booking rights.
Associate, Life and Veteran members have second preference. Associates are members children, grandchildren or parents.
Members Guests have third preference.
After the AGM Members, Relatives and Guests can book the remaining accommodation.
Season Times and Rates
Winter Rates Officially June long weekend to October long weekend but subject the seasonal conditions.
Summer Rates Officially October long weekend to the June long weekend.
Shoulder Rates Bookings Early and Late snow bookings may be eligible for special rates on request.
Group Booking Rate Will be considered on an individual basis at the discretion of the booking officer.
Members Booking Rates and Levies
Full Members Rates
- Shareholders - Levy I $600.00 due early in new year (to cover insurance). Levy II $500.00 due at end of ski Season.
- Shareholders and nominated partner - booking fee of $17.00 summer and winter.
- Each share entitles the shareholder member and a nominated member as shown on the share register to the benefits of membership.
- Members dependent children and grandchildren (5-18) accompanying the Member have the associates 5-18 rate as published.
- Nominated members partners, Partner (technically a guest) users over 25 associate rate.
- Members children or grandchildren 18-25 use associates' rates as published.
- No charge for children 5 and under.
- Members can have any available beds, after the AGM at the current booking rate.
We have 36 shareholders which allows 72 Members first preference bookings.
Life Members Rates
Life-members who do not pay levies.
Booking rate - Winter, same as Associate Members 18-25. Summer, same as members rate.
Life-members have booking preference after Full member (same as Associates and Veteran members)
Associates and Veteran Rates
Definition of Associate: Members Child or Grandchildren over 5 and Partner of a split Membership.
Definition of a Veteran: Past member of over 20 years.
- DOB for associates and guests under 25 must be given to Margi Clarke to receive under 25 rates.
- Children 5 and under no charge per child/night.
- Members child or grandchild 5 -18 accompanying the member $55.00 per child/night Winter and $27.50 per person/night in Summer.
- Associates between 18-25 – Rate of $83.00 per person/night for Winter and $41.50 per person night for Summer.
- Associates (over 25) and Veteran Members $110.00 per person/night Winter and $55.00 per person/night Summer.
- Booking fee required of 50% for each Associate with full amount paid 2 weeks prior to occupation.
Guests Rates
- Guests and Partner of an Associate $135.00 per person/night winter and $67.50 per person/night summer.
- Guests dependent Children (5-18) $83.00 per person/night in winter and $41.50 per person/night in summer.
- Guests Children 5 and under no charge per child/night.
- Booking fee required of 50% with full amount to be paid 2 weeks prior to occupation.
Work Credits (Authorised by the Directors)
- Members that attended an organised work party will have their booking fee credited against Levy II.
- Members participating in an organised exterior painting weekend will have Levy II credited to their account.
- Associates and non-members participating in an approved work event will have one night’s accommodation credited for each full day worked.
Note: A full record of participants and work done must be emailed to within two weeks of completion.
- A bank transfer is the required method; Westpac Caringbah BSB-032 151 Account-364078.
Make sure the payment is identified with your name and if possible, week commencement date. - Cheques should be avoided. Additional charge for cheques received may be $25.00.
- Late payments may be charged at $25.00 per month.
Refunds and Unconfirmed bookings
- Unconfirmed bookings may be re-booked if confirmation is not received within a reasonable time. (2 weeks).
- Refunds for cancellation will be made when two weeks’ notice is received.
- Otherwise, a refund will only be considered if the accommodation can be re-booked.
Booking Codes
Codes (Mw) consist of uppercase "code" followed by lowercase w for winter or s for summer.
- M - Shareholders and Members.
- U - Children under 5.
- C - Members children and grandchildren between 5 and 18 years old.
- D - Associates 18 to 25 years.
- A - Associates over 25 years old.
Guest of Member
- U - All Children under 5.
- H - Child of guest 5-18
- N - Guests over 18
- S - Group/Shoulder rate
- O - Working party