Booking Instructions 2025
- Please check your members address and email details and advise of any changes.
- Requests are only provisional and subject to change till after the AGM (for July-September requests).
- Members are responsible for checking the web and informing Margi in writing prior to occupation "if it is not as requested".
- Unless a specific reason is given for your request, you may be moved +/- 1 week to help others.
- Please request a change if not happy. Past usage will be used to share room types and dates.
- The bookings will be shown from Saturday till Friday.
- Please book from Sunday to Saturday if this suits you best.
- Payment to Westpac BSB-032151 Acnt-364078. Reference with your name.
- Cheques and Late payments (for each month overdue) may be charged at $20.00.
- You are not booked until you pay the booking fee and appear in upper case after the AGM.
- Maximum number of guests (over 5 years) is 12. Requests for over 12 will be rescheduled prior to the AGM.
- Click here to book online. Your request will then be placed on the web after a short delay.
NOTE 1: If booking a large number of guests, it is best to avoid late July and early August as Shareholders have priority up to the AGM.
NOTE 2: If your preferred date appears to be taken or you must go at a particular time - We will endeavour to re-organise to suit.
NOTE 3: Rates have not been set for 2025, rates will be updated from a future date in 2025 when known.
NOTE 4: Incoming guests must not take occupied rooms until after 10am.
Margi Clarke (0414 890 383)