
To nominate a new member, please provide a photo and summary of the proposed member’s background and connection to Redwood, and conformation that the proposed member accepts the joining costs.  (The current joining costs are: share $100, non-interest bearing deposit $1200 as of 2018 with and a joining fee of $10,000. On resigning the share and debenture with be refunded in full. The joining fee refund reduces by $1000 per year of membership over 10 years.
In accordance with Redwood’s rules, the Directors must aggree unanimously to a proposed new member. Directors will also present the proposed member to the full membership for their comment prior to any decision.
The criteria for offering membership are compatibility with Redwood’s values and an established relationship with the lodge and its members.

Directors will abide by the following process when offering a membership:

  • Applications will first alternate between associates and new members.
  • Then. proposed members will be offered a share in chronological order, with the person who has been on the list longest being offered a share first.
  • Any person who refuses an offer will be moved to the bottom of the list.
  • Directors will email an announcement and introduction to all members following acceptance of the offer, to allow them to “put a face to the name” and to know a little more about the applicant and their association with the lodge.

This process allows the children of existing members to continue their relationship and family history with Redwood and participate with full voting rights, setting up membership opportunities for their children in the future. It also allows for the introduction of new members (who will be friends of members and have a past history in Redwood), who share our enthusiasm for Redwood and the opportunities it provides to enjoy the mountains and snow sports.
A member can pass their share to their associate (child) without the joining fee with approval from the Directors.

Application Form

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